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a person is tidying a pot on the potters wheel

   events    Workshops   open days 

poster of our mothers day potter market

Mother's Day Market

Join us at our annual Mother's Day Pottery Market! Be sure to get down early to nab the best pots made by our local talented artists. There will be an open studio and wheel throwing demonstrations.


Date: Sunday 7th May

Time: 8:30 - 12:30

Where: 15 Flowers St, Railway Estate

poster of our pottery shop


The NQPA shop is open every Sunday from 8:30am to 12:30pm at our studio! Come down to find some unique gifts and pottery treasures made by our talented members.


Date: Every Sunday

Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Where: 15 Flowers St, Railway Estate 





slab building some coloured clay


NQPA annually invites potters who are experts in their field to share their knowledge and wisdom with our members. Please keep posted for details and dates.

Previous Events

Anne Mossman showing a local pottery her craft

Anne Mossman Workshop

In July 2019 we had a fabulous three-day hands-on workshop,to develop a collection of vessels that incorporates nerikomi (coloured clay patterning), carving/piercing and adding texture.

The vessels were created using hand building, slip casting and/or throwing with porcelain.

Every participant had the opportunity to produce several vessels using their developed colored patterns using Anne's demonstrated techniques to form the basis of a fabulous collection of vessels.


Greg Daly Lustre Workshop

In July 2018 the NQPA members gathered to watch a master at work. The two day workshop spanning covered an array of topics from the fundamentals to glaze discovery. Thank you to Greg Daly who is a wonderful teacher. 

Andrew Cope 1996 teapot

NQPA Clay Chains Project
31 July - 20 Sept

This exciting project was undertaken by the members of the NQPA. Groups of potters were broken into 3 chains, with the first of each group creating a piece inspired by an Andrew Cope's teapot from our collection. This was then used as a "line of  inspiration" for the potter that follows, and then the pottery that follows it.  At the end of the project all of the pieces are to be exhibited at Perc Tucker Gallery in the glass showcase during the NQ Biennial Ceramic Awards. 

poster of our local pop up shop

PUNQ 2021

We hosted a popup stall at the PUNQ festival this year, with members showcasing their collection of  ceramics including wheel-thrown and hand-built functional wares for everyday use, to intricate sculptural and slab-built displays. There were workshops hosted on site, with participants making flatware and pinch pots, as well as live demonstrations and Artist Talks. 


Date: Friday 30 July - Sunday 8 August 

Where: Northtown, 280 Flinders St, Townsville CBD, 4810

poster of len cook workshop

Len Cook
Pottery Workshop

We ran a two-day workshop with renowned local master potter Len Cook. Len covered his unique style with wheel demonstrations alongside a deep drive in wood firing.


Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023


North Queensland Ceramic Awards 22 July - 25 Sept

The biennial North Queensland Ceramic Awards has long aimed to increase public exposure to a high standard of pottery from around the nation. Selected works will be on display at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery from  22 July - 25 September 2022. The exhibit is always an impressive showcase for both well-known and emerging artist, both locally and nationally recognised. This biennial competition displays the diversity of ceramic art currently being produced in Australia.  The club looks forward to 2024 to do it all again. 


Image Above Mahala Hill 

Armoured Mist Frog 2020

Bone china, porcelain, stoneware, volcanic glaze 

8 x 17 x 15 cm 

Major acquisitive prize winner of the 2020 Biennial North Queensland Ceramics Awards.

City of Townville Art Collection


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