Frequently asked questions

When does my class start & what time?
Each teacher has a different designated class time. Please refer to our Classes page to determine which class will be suitable to you. Please remember spots are subject to availability and must be confirmed in advance.
What do I need to bring?
Nothing special! All basic tools and equipment are available for your use in the studio. However if you would like to recycle your own clay, a large lidded bucket will be required.
What should I wear?
Anything that you wont mind getting dirty!
Will I need to buy anything?
Raw materials are an additional cost to your class and can be purchased from the club during your class. please check our price guide for an outline of clay prices
Can we take home a finished piece after one session?
Pottery is a process. Pots are made, trimmed, bisque-fired, glazed then glaze-fired. Expect your finished product to be available after your fourth or fifth class.
Can I pay at the first class?
Yes! Please pay your teacher at the time of your class. Cash is accepted and a direct deposit to teacher can be set up. Eftpos for class fees is not available, however clay can be purchased via Eftpos at the studio